Ffxiv Born Again Anima Light Farm


Crash Guide for Anima Weapon (Heavensward relic)



Just a quick guide to aid you lot to obtain the Anima Weapon (Heavensward weapons) aka the prettiest relic tier in the entire game. Just sharing the method I used to farm all the weapons.
This method is heavy-based in poetics just a friend alarm.
Call back this is a quick guide, so there is no particular info hither, use equally a complementary help.

Quest: Soul without Life (i170 weapon)
Have the quest agile, go to the Heavensward maps and do whatever fate until y'all get one crystal:

- Sea of Clouds (for 1xWind Crystal)
- Azys Lla (for 1x Burn down Crystal)
- Churning Mists (for 1x Lightning Crystal)
- Coerthas Western (for 1x Ice Crystal)
- Dravanian Forelands (for 1x Globe Crystal)
- Dravanian Hinterlands (for 1x Water Crystal)

Deliver the quest in Mor Dhona.

Toughening Up (i200)

Yous demand to practice the dungeons in the following guild:

1- Snowcloak
2- Sastasha (Hard)
3- Qarn (Hard)
4- Keeper of the Lake
5- Wanderer's Palace (Difficult)
6- Amdapor Keep (Hard)
7- Sunset Acuity
8- Sohm Al
9- The Aery
10- The Vault

Of import: If y'all want to, use a stronger weapon UNTIL leave the dungeon. The dungeon will count for the quest just if you leave it with the relic equipped.
Deliver the quest for the side by side phase.

Coming Into Its Ain (i210)

Now the poetics tomestones comes to play (considering unidentifiable items and side by side steps). There are other methods to obtain unidentifiable items but I recall the poetics style is unproblematic and skilful.
Basically you need this 4 (iv) items:

[ ] Enchanted Prophylactic
[ ] Fast-Drying Carboncoat
[ ] Divine Water
[ ] Fast-Acting Allagan Goad

But, for obtain these four itens you'll need a mix between GC items (tin exist crafted besides) and unidentifiable.
Hither is your checklist:

[ ] Enchanted Rubber
[] Unidentifiable Os x10 (Poetics Commutation @ Idyllshire)
[] Adamantite Francesca x4 (Exchange with GC Seals, Marketboard or but craft it)

[ ] Fast-Drying Carboncoat
[] Unidentifiable Vanquish x10 (Poetics Substitution @Idyllshire)
[] Titanium Alloy Mirror x4 (Exchange with GC Seals, Marketboard or merely craft information technology)

[ ] Divine Water
[] Unidentifiable Ore x10 (Poetics Substitution @Idyllshire)
[] Dispelling Arrow x4 (Exchange with GC Seals, Marketboard or just craft information technology)

[ ] Fast-Acting Allagan Catalyst
[] Unidentifiable Seeds x10 (Poetics Substitution @Idyllshire)
[] Kingcake x4 (Substitution with GC Seals, Marketboard or just craft it)

All practiced with the items, only deliver the quest.

Finding Your Voice (i230)

You need to obtain 5x Aether Oil. You can get this particular with a weekly quest in Mor Dhona for Crystal Tower or but purchase information technology for 350 poetics each.

[ ] Aether Oil x5 (350 poetics)

Deliver and set up your trunk...

A Dream Fulfilled (i240)
It's the longer stride. You'll need a lot of items here, you need in theory 80x umbrites and 80x crystal sands Simply there is a rng in between so generally the safe strat is aim for 75x.

- 75 Umbrites
- 75 Crystal Sands

How to obtain Umbrites? Poetics merely.
How to obtain Crystal Sands? Several ways. Choice your poisonous substance just before I'll target the best ones:
~ Other Items I - The all-time option so far if you want to waste more poetics besides the necessary for umbrites.
~ Crafting Materials - The best choice if you want to waste some gil and the prices are acceptable.
~ Rowena Tokens - The cheap pick mainly if you want to gathering to farm scrips.
~ Amber-encased Vilekin - Your free and dull resource. Some levequest can spawn a chest that contains this item, for example the levequest [Show your Piece of work] in Foundation. Information technology's basically free crystal sand just idk, I don't retrieve information technology'southward a expert apply of levequest in this game (mainly if you're farming accomplishment or delivering coffee biscuits).

Future Proof (i260)
You'll need more poetics (great news!) but this fourth dimension is a chill amount.
Also you lot tin can get some Singing Cluster with quests from that hyur teens in Idylshire equally well.

[ ] Singing Cluster x50 (40 poetics each)

Born Again Anima (i270)

You'll need to complete these dungeons (with or without the relic equipped, merely y'all'll demand to utilize the correct job of your relic):

ane- The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)
ii- The Great Gubal Library (Difficult) (Hard)
three- Sohm Al (Hard)

Welcome to your light farm!
Commencement double check if y'all have the detail [Enhanced Anima Glass] in your inventory.
Do some A9S runs (Alexander - The Eyes of Creator - Savage) unsynced. This way you can farm the "Hardened" Calorie-free and sometimes Stalwart rng-based (the all-time calorie-free quality) Take less than 2min per run with a few folk, and remembering you'll need to equip the relic for this step. Join or create a party finder group for that one.

Some Associates Required (Sub i270)

You can exercise this in parallel with the light stride (Born Again Anima). It's easy as ever just poetics consuming, you lot'll need 15x Pneumites.

[ ] Pneumite x 15 (100 poetics OR 4000 K Visitor Seals, poetics recommended)

Best Friends Forever (i275)

Also know as the "Victory Route", the terminal step to get your final weapon. You'll need to equip the relic earlier leaves the trial for count for the quest or just equip information technology, call some friends to help (or create a political party finder squad) and beat these trials (Difficult Modes, EXTREME don't counts!)

Ifrit HM
Garuda HM
Titan HM
King Moogle HM
Leviathan HM
Ramuh HM
Shiva HM
Ravana HM
Bismark HM
Sephirot HM (Containment Bay S1T7)
Sophia HM (Containment Bay P1T6)
Zurvan HM (Containment Bay Z1T9)

And after all this, you'll need to waste some poetics again for this particular:

[ ] Archaic Enchanted Ink ten 1 (500 poetics)


Congrats for you relic. Bask these beautifuls weapons.
Feel free to comment.

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New to the game and have been using this guide a lot. I don't know how this isn't getting more than attention. Take been farming some of these items since my lv60 cap (until Endwalker releases). I'm just having trouble with the Crystal Sands part since I all the same don't understand what each selection ways. What would you recommend for a new player? Not bad work and thanks for the assist!

PS.: half-dozen agora que você é brasileiro

Helllo @Rhalgr give thanks your for the kind works!
Crystal Sand pra novos players (assumindo pouco gil) é a opção de gathering (Rowena Tokens) e Bister-encased Vilekin (united states of america allowance).

So helpful, cheers a ton!

Ganna employ this seeing as i dont have much use for poetics, might besides passively dump it into stuff while doing my weekly tome grind/leveling for a shiny weapon.


Source: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/11532121/blog/4791247/

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