Realistic Pen Art Old Pictures of Long Hair Women

When it comes to creating realistic portraits and figures, knowing techniques for cartoon pilus — including different lengths, styles and texture — is essential. If you're a beginner, this may seem like a daunting claiming, peculiarly since this task can take longer than any other part of a drawing.

Photo by Getty Images | Drawing Hair in Graphite and Colored Pencil for Beginners | Lee Hammond, Artists Network
Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Even so, information technology doesn't have to be hard. Below, artist Lee Hammond, breaks downwards key tips for drawing hair in both graphite and colored pencil! Pulled straight from her new book, Lee Hammond's All New Big Book of Drawing , these realistic cartoon techniques volition accept you cartoon hair like a pro in no time. Enjoy!

Drawing Hair | Graphite

Below are a few segment drawings that show different types of hairstyles and textures. Doing small studies such as these can give you skillful practice with various techniques.

Selina Quintanilla Perez by Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network
Selina Quintanilla Perez by Lee Hammond, graphite on smoothen bristol.

And before we get started, here are some essential tips for cartoon pilus:

  • The pencil strokes ever replicate the pilus's management and the length.
  • The color of the hair is determined past how dark or how calorie-free your pencil lines are.
  • A band of low-cal is created in the hair anytime there is a curved area. You will see it in curls and effectually the circumference of the head.
  • Highlights are always seen on rounded or protruding areas.
  • Blend the paper to a grey tone before yous elevator highlights. This makes them look like they are on the outer surface.

Curly Hair

This study shows how curls course tubular shapes similar to a cylinder. Wherever the curls protrude the most, the highlight shows.

The pencil lines create the texture of the hair, following the direction the pilus is going. The highlights are lifted with the same type of quick stroke. You can tell this is dark hair past the depth of the tones.

Curly Hair | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

Frizzy or Permed Pilus

This report shows what frizzy or permed hair looks like. The curls are less distinct here considering of the randomness of the hair management and the overlapping of hair strands.

The pencil strokes are more blended out because of the frizzier texture of the pilus. This hair appears much lighter than the previous case.

Frizzy Hair | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

Layered Hair

In layered hair, V shapes are created — which also occurs when cartoon animal fur, feathers and flower petals. These Five shapes are where things overlap and recede, and the deep V of darkness gives the illusion of depth.

Layered Hair | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

Ring of Light

This is an example of the bands of light — areas where the pilus is curved, such every bit in bangs and effectually the head. It is the near obvious with long, smooth pilus.

Band of Light in Hair | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

Drawing Demo | Straight and Curly Pilus

At that place are many different types of hairstyles and textures. These quick exercises beneath will give y'all some do with some of the most common styles.

Each type requires a dissimilar arroyo. The texture and color are dependent on the blazon of pencil stroke used and the pressure level practical.

Materials you'll need:

  • Cartoon paper
  • Kneaded eraser
  • Mechanical graphite pencil
  • Stump or tortillion

Straight Hair

i. Lay in the Shape

Start your drawing by laying in the overall shape of the hairstyle with a pencil.

Straight Hair Demo, Step 1 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

2. Apply the Darks

Side by side, utilise dark pencil strokes to create the illusion of length. Find the bands of light. This is where the hair shows curves.

Straight Hair Demo, Step 2 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

3. Alloy, Reapply Darks and Lift

Then, alloy the cartoon with a stump or tortillion. Reapply the nighttime areas using house quick strokes. Lift the bands of light with a kneaded eraser.

Straight Hair Demo, Step 3 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

Curly hair

1. Lay in the Shape

Start, draw the overall shape of the hairstyle. And so, use long, curved pencil strokes to create the shapes of the curls.

Curly Hair Demo, Step 1 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

2. Build upwards the Hair Strands

Apply more curved lines to build the hair strands and night areas of overlap.

Curly Hair Demo, Step 2 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

3. Blend and Lift

Alloy the cartoon to a gray tone. Apply a kneaded eraser to elevator the bands of light out of each curl.

Curly Hair Demo, Step 3 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

Drawing Demo | Hair in Colored Pencil

Calculation color to the mix can bring your drawings of people to life, but it can also make the drawing process fifty-fifty more than complex. It's important to note that drawing, especially portraits, is not something you can learn in a solar day. Cartoon people accurately takes a solid understanding of anatomy and a lot of practice. Then exist prepared to do a lot of work before diving in and trying to depict the favorite people in your life.

And, equally noted previously, drawing hair correctly is a large part of being able to depict more realistic people. Now that we accept a quick lesson on cartoon hair in graphite under our belt, let'south learn a few tips for drawing hair with colored pencil.

Portrait by Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network
Portrait by Lee Hammond, colored pencil

The full-colour portrait, above, shows how reflective color can be. If you lot wait closely, y'all can run across the subtle blue tones reflecting onto the peel and hair of the subject. I love cartoon pilus and all of the waves and colors being reflected throughout it.

Before we get started with a few mini demonstrations, let'due south take a look at the shut-up images of the portrait, which show different pilus types and how they are fatigued. By viewing them up close, you tin can see how disquisitional the pencil strokes are to creating texture.

Burnishing for Long Waves

The curves and waves of the hair were done with long, curved pencil strokes. It required many layers. The bluish and orange tones were added on top with a burnished approach.

Burnishing for Long Waves | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

Band of Light

This shows the band of low-cal, where the pilus creates a tubular shape. This occurs when long pilus follows a curve, and the protruding areas gather light. You volition see this band in curls where the pilus bends equally well.

Band of Light in Hair | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

Drawing  Demo | Long and Curt Hair

There are endless styles, textures and colors when it comes to drawing hair, and then it would be impossible to cover them all. But it is important to know how to draw as many different types equally possible if y'all want to excel at portraiture.

These quick exercises will give you some do with two mutual types of hair: long and wavy hair, and short and curly pilus.

Materials you'll need:

  • Newspaper (regular surface bristol)
  • Colored pencils: Dark Umber, Light Umber, Peach, Terra Cotta
  • Kneaded eraser
  • Mechanical graphite pencil

Long, Wavy Hair

1. Depict the Shapes

To begin, lightly describe the shapes of the pilus with a mechanical pencil. Then, go over information technology with some Dark Umber to split the layers of the hair.

Long Wavy Hair Demo, Step 1 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

2. Create the Pilus Strands

Next, add together Calorie-free Umber to the hair, and and then deepen the dark areas with Night Umber. Leave the highlight exposed. Use a very abrupt pencil point and long, quick pencil strokes to create the appearance of hair strands.

Long Wavy Hair Demo, Step 2 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

3. Deepen and Darken

Afterward you draw the pilus strands, use Terra Cotta to give it a reddish polish. And so, deepen the recessed areas with Dark Umber. Leave a band of calorie-free in the protruding areas then the hair looks curved and wavy.

Long Wavy Hair Demo, Step 3 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

Brusque, Curly Hair

1. Draw the Shapes and Start the Skin Tone

Lightly draw the shapes of the hairline, ear and overall shape of the hair with mechanical pencil. Then, lay in Peach to start the skin tone. When cartoon very short hair, take the skin tone up into the hair expanse.

Short Curly Hair Demo, Step 1 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

ii. Build Up the Hair

Apply pocket-sized, round strokes to the hair surface area with Terracotta. Use a calorie-free touch, taking information technology out into the skin expanse to create a hairline.

Short Curly Hair Demo, Step 2 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

iii. Go on Layering

Layer the hair with Dark Umber over Terra Cotta. Keep information technology lighter on the outside edge where the light comes through equally well as where it grows out of the hairline. Fill in the center surface area deepest and thickest.

Short Curly Hair Demo, Step 3 | Lee Hammond | Drawing Hair for Beginners in Graphite and Colored Pencil | Artists Network

From short to long and curly, drawing hair with these tips will make your drawings more realistic and accurate. Practice drawing different textures, colors and lengths to perfect your hair drawings. Then, combine facial features with your drawings to create realistic portraiture! Drawing pilus is the first step to creating stunning and accurate portrait and figure drawings. Agreement how hair is drawn and behaves may even help yous depict animals! The possibilities are endless with Lee Hammond's essential tips for drawing hair.

Learn more than about portraiture and pilus drawing with a video workshop, here. Or, check out Lee Hammond's work for more than inspiration and cartoon tips.

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